Our Story

How to Live Healthy for 100 Years

Our quest for making Health affordable to all was aided by the Covid lockdown of 2020 in a big way. The central question in our minds was – How can we make health affordable to the common man? We were sure that whatever the answer is, Technology like Tele-Medicine would play a big part in it.

When Covid-19 struck, the world learnt why immunity was important and how phytonutrients like zinc and vitamin D played a vital role as no existing pharmaceutical medicines helped.

So, we started looking beyond and that’s when we came across 5000 years’ old applied knowledge of Ayurveda which emphasised that all measures of preservation of health and cure for disease have to be based on the psychosomatic constitution of an individual.

It further talked about a novel concept of personalized nutrition according to an individual’s body constitution (Nutrigenomics).

This holistic science evolved into ‘NutriMap’ – Personalised Nutrition Therapy. Many chronically ill patients have already benefited from our line of therapy.

All our staff, including the Managing partners of NutriMap, have experienced healing and well-being using NutriMap’s unique approach and have confidently invested in this Health services venture to make health affordable and sustainable for all.

Meet Our Team

Our Specialist

NutriMap Differentiators

Our Vision

To Help People live with vitality above 100.

Our Mission

To Educate, Empower and Enable Indians to take care of their body and mind with confidence. NutriMap shall achieve this vision by mapping individual body constitution, disease causes and the imbalances in the body to a personalized natural cure.

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