Is Keto Diet appropriate for a person with Kapha Body Type?
Keto diet avoids carbs and prescribes eating huge quantities of fat. Those with Kapha body type have the slowest metabolism compared to Vata and Pitta, hence they struggle to digest a lot of fat, and end with adverse metabolic and emotional effects.
People who take up weight loss programs without knowing their Body Type are always at a risk of attracting other health complications.
A simple fasting regimen can induce the Ketosis effect in Kapha body types, without resorting to any keto diet. Also, eating a seasonal diet with high fibre is a healthier way to lose weight for Kapha people.
Did you know some medicines can cause weight gain?
Medication-induced weight gain can be frustrating for both the patient and the clinician. Antipsychotics, antidepressants, antihypertensives diabetic drugs and corticosteroids – all contain chemicals that lead to significant weight gain.
The drugs trigger changes in metabolism causing the body to use calories less efficiently, or building appetite leading to overeating. When it is not feasible to change medications, then parallel nutrition therapies or lifestyle intervention can help to combat weight gaining side effects.
Can just a single night of inadequate sleep lead to overeating, on average an extra 385 calories the next day?
Sleep duration affects the two hormones regulating our hunger — Ghrelin (hunger-inducing) and Leptin (satiety inducing). Studies show that sleep deprivation causes increased levels of Ghrelin and decreased levels of Leptin and insulin sensitivity. Individuals who regularly sleep less than 7 hours per night are more likely to have a higher average Body Mass Index (BMI) and are at an increased risk for developing obesity.
10 days of sleep deprivation could make you gain 1/2 Kg of weight. Pitta and Kapha body types are more prone to weight gain due to lack of sleep. So an important aspect of weight loss therapy is understanding sleep patterns.
Do dietary acids have any role in weight gain?
High dietary acid content is associated with higher serum triglyceride concentrations and higher obesity prevalence. The micronutrient profile of the diet determines the production of acids and bases in the organism, which has an impact on the acid-base balance of our body.
PRAL (Potential Renal Acid Load) is the capacity of acid production from food. Diets high in PRAL means the food is more acidic.
We must be careful and avoid the wrong combination of foods. Include a diet rich in base-yielding nutrients like vegetables and fruits as per your Body Type to prevent weight gain. Vata body types are more tolerant to higher PRAL than Pitta.