Some Facts And Tips About Migraine You Should Know

Facts and tips about Migraine

75% of people suffer from migraine because of changes in season (drop in barometric pressure)


Weather changes from cold to warm or warm to cold may cause imbalances in brain chemicals like serotonin, triggering a migraine.

Weather-related triggers may also worsen an existing headache.

You can’t change the weather but following a seasonal diet regime according to your body type will help balance the temperature internally and prevent these triggers.

Like in summer choose more cooling foods (Mung beans) to balance the increase in external heat.


Taking medicines for Migraines decreases the body’s natural pain relief mechanism and can damage kidneys, liver and other vital organs with long term use.


Pain relievers offer relief for occasional headaches, but repeated use can cause medication-overuse-headache, which is again mistaken for Migraine.

A personalized natural line of Migraine treatment can be three dimensional.

  1. Relaxation of muscles – Magnesium-rich foods (Banana)
  2. Increasing blood flow- Foods’s rich in Iron, Folate and Antioxidants (Beetroot)
  3. Removal of chemicals that stimulate pain receptors – Foods’s rich in B-vitamins (Orange)


Can eat innocent potatoes cause Migraine headaches? YES


High Nitrate foods can trigger a migraine by increasing Nitric Oxide levels in the body which raise the risk of Nitrogen Oxide stress in susceptible individuals.

Certain foods and beverages such as Potatoes, Aged Cheese, Alcohol, Chocolates and food additives such as nitrates (found in pepperoni, hot dogs and luncheon meats) and fermented or pickled foods have been responsible for triggering up to 30% of migraines cases.

Identify the foods with high nitrates that cause the onset of your Migraine and avoid them or reduce nitrate level by appropriate preparation.


Migraine is a common health condition, affecting around 1 in every 5 women.


A migraine can be triggered due to the imbalances in brain chemicals — including serotonin, which helps regulate pain in your nervous system.

If you have a Vata (Ectomorphs) body type Avoid these triggering factors of your nervous system. like Sleeplessness, worry, hurry, fasting, indigestion, stress, Extreme cool condition, fear.

A decoction of Lemon, Mint, Ginger and jaggery is beneficial in the management of migraines. These ingredients are hot in potency but have a calming effect on our nervous system.


WhatsApp us at 9611005946 for personalised management of Migraine, and to know your body type assessment absolutely FREE!


Vinod Sadashivaiah, Founder Nutrimap. A pharmacist who believes nutrition is more powerful than medicine .

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